Recently Abhinandan has been the talk of the town. Imagine if he went on to save India from the Pakistani aircraft aimed at destroying us without his willpower? What if he didn’t have enough willpower to destroy the critical documents by swallowing them and trying to escape by running almost half a kilometre when one of his legs were shot, Isn’t that the perfect example of sheer willpower? Would he still be praised the way he is being praised today? The best power one must exercise is Willpower. Nothing shall amaze you more than this. If you imagine your life as a vehicle which takes you to your destination then willpower is nothing but the fuel. Rockets take off even in gravitational force but only when the acceleration is at a higher speed as compared to the gravitational pull.

There isn’t an individual in our entire history who has been successful without willpower. Any knowledge which a person possesses is a complete waste if he/she does not have the will to use it and to do something productive with it.

Take an example of any leader, be it Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, JK Rowling or Kalpana Chawla; a significant part of their success purely depended on their sheer willpower to execute their ideas. They are an epitome of what it takes to be successful with real willpower. No one believed in the idea of a phone which would have one single button which was visualized by Steve Jobs. Everyone ended up rejecting the idea but Steve Jobs was super packed with the will to change his idea into reality. Willpower makes things happen for a person. An individual should learn to create a way through will power even at his/her darkest times in life.

We see so many people who have fought severe diseases like cancer, paralysis, coma and won. If we are to analyze the common factor in order to understand what was inside those people who struggled with some of the most deadly diseases where many people give up living a normal and healthy life; then the prime difference is the will power. A person who has Will and a person who doesn’t lead a very different life. A person who has a beautiful road to reach his destination would never reach there if he does not have enough will, but a person with a maximum will power will reach his destination even if he does not have a path and will make sure he creates a road for that.

This is the fundamental difference between a person who has willpower and a person who doesn’t. Whatever you wish to achieve in your life or whatever you wish to become; can only be achieved if you have will; then you shall create your own path. If you don’t possess the will power to achieve your dreams, then despite having all the resources; you won’t be able to do any wonders in your life. So try and learn things that build and create the willpower in you.

I have been a Graphologist since my earlier days of practice and so I exactly know how handwriting creates an impact on our lives because it is the reflection of our mind, body and soul. The easiest way to build and strengthen your will is to start writing in your diary with heavy pressure. It shouldn’t be too heavy but a moderate-heavy pressure will do the trick. Heavy pressure shows the energy you possess and derive it to write. You should practice writing the goals which you want to achieve in life and the ways you are going to achieve them and write those down for 49 days straight without missing a single day. You may choose to write anything. If you aren’t living the life you dream then I can be certain that there is a lack of willpower which is required to reach where you want to be.

So start doing things which will enhance your willpower but then again; starting with this will require willpower. Begin with it right away as it is never too late. If you are an owner of a certain organization, then do some daily exercises which will increase the willpower of your employees. If you are a parent, then challenge your kids to raise their own willpower because if they develop the Will at a tender age, then the rest of the journey will be automatically be taken care by them.


The Two biggest influences that drove Komal Somani, CHO at ESDS and founder Happiness Infuser, into the world of HR were her close connection to people and go getter attitude to take ESDS from gold to platinum. She is the woman behind cultivating innovative mindsets at work. Under her leadership, people tend to deliver their 100% efforts towards the organization, as she lets them do what they do best. One has the freedom to explore infinite opportunities and to create wonders in their area of interest. Komal leads a team of zealous HR individuals who strive towards accomplishing her dream of creating a culture of "Thank God It's Monday" within the organization. She lives by the faith that people must love their work days as much as their no work days. Komal has earned a degree in Computer Engineering, she understands technology well and hence is fully equipped to manage people, product and process related issues, effortlessly. Komal’s talent strategy that aligns with the company's mission, operating imperatives and values. She delivers this strategy through managing all aspects of human resources, including employee experience, professional development, talent management, compensation, staffing and employee relations. She has always put her people first, motivated and engaged them and the business results flows. Komal always talks about the balance of being able to drive business performance through our People practices, at the same time as we’re enabling our people to achieve their potential, with results that affect individuals, families and communities. She believes that, if we can create an employment experience our people value, they, in turn, will create an outstanding customer experience. Komal always advocates for "Innovation" & it truly reflects through her style of working. Everything she does, she does it differently. As she calls it, "It’s the ESDS Way!" As her philosophy goes- “No Organization exists without people, because they are the Greatest & Valuable Asset every organization can have”. She has pushed all the areas of employee Engagement to new frontiers. Whether it is a Birthday or huge proud moment she let employees have their moment of Joy and Contentment. As one of the ESDS’s value is “Continuous Knowledge Enhancement” Komal focuses on reskilling and development of her workforces and she strives to get the best out of them. Not just reaching out to her people but also touching their families, with this kind of Personality she has succeeded to bag the most renowned title for ESDS that is 8th rank in “Great Place to Work ’2018” in India’s Great Mid-Size companies in the 3rd consecutive year. Adding to this she has several accolades in her kitty like “Most Innovative Women - 2018” at SHE leads Summit, “Dream Companies to Work for 2017” in her leadership, she was even felicitated as The 50 Most HR Innovative Tech Leader and presented as Woman Super Achiever Award at World HRD Congress which have elevated her into India’s HR Wall of Fame and List goes on to 25 Most Innovative HR Technology Leaders – 2017 by Asia Pacific HRM Congress, Maharashtra Nari Ratna Award 2017, Best Employer brand in Nashik - 2017, Nashik Best HR Leaders Award - 2017 and for sure few accolades are on the way. This is indisputable that the bar is going to rise up till she gets into the best of best.